Sunday, August 15, 2010

I'm back... in just a shade under 2 months

So, I realize that I haven't written anything for a while but, I mean, I'm in England, things have been happenin!  I just took my first trip out of England, and thought this would be a good time to take back the blog...  So without further ado, I present the last 6 weeks!

Took a little road/ferry/road trip to France this past weekend to see my buddy Jeff, who was on his way to Kenya for the August IDP session.  A few months back he was like, "I'm flyin through Paris in August and will have a 10 hour layover, would you want to come down and chill for the day?"  WOULD I?!?  So yeah, my friend Anca and I totally took a less than 2 day road trip to Paris because, you can do things like that if you live in England.  On the way down I conceived the idea of doing a list of sorts, so here we go:


1.  The speed limit on French motorways.  That's right 130km/h, or approximately 81 mph.  Suffice to say, it was a quick trip from Calais to Paris, the slow lane moved right along at about 85mph, and cars were flying by me when I was going 90, good times...  In addition, it was nice to drive on the right side of the road again, in an English car, wrap your brain around that one :-D.

2.  The countryside

3.  The Seine: as much as I may hate to admit this, the Seine is much more picturesque than the Thames.  Plus, there was this sweet Ducati just sittin there.  But really, the river boats, the paths right by the water, tree lined parkways, it's brilliant.

4.  Sweet Metro art (taken on my iPhone 4 at the Cluny La Sorbonne stop)

5.  The Eiffel Tower.  I've seen it on multiple occasions, but it still is quite amazing.  Who knew a cell phone tower would be the top tourist attraction in the world...

6.  Walking in Paris with good friends (and almost breaking Anca's camera if it weren't for my le chat noir reflexes)

7.  Notre Dame/Crepes (they came within minutes of each other so I'm combining them, the list is getting longer than I originally anticipated).  Let me just say, when it hits your lips!

8.  Basilique du Sacre Coeur, first time in 4 trips to Paris!  How did I get such an amazing picture at 5PM, only you can answer that question..

9.  Anca's friends from Martinique: NO PICTURE, WHAT?!

10.  REAL French people, because they all talk and dress like this ---->

Join me tomorrow evening for, "Things I DON'T Like about France"